We are pleased to present definitions for the entire collection of 125 goals and means values on this page. Each value is illustrated with a personal and workplace application, designed to provide you with additional context. We are confident you will enjoy having access to the values on one page for easy reference. Be sure to “bookmark” the page for future reference.
Definition - Personal
The ability to articulate one’s own values and system of moral principles, and the ability to enrich others by addressing their conduct in relationship to their value systems. This ability assumes the capacity to understand another’s level of ethical maturity and assess it objectively.
Definition - Workplace
The orientation of the organizational culture that flows from practices, policies, and regulations. These reinforce and support mutual accountability and moral principles in the workplace, which enrich community interaction and societal confidence that we live the values we declare publicly.
Definition - Personal
Accomplishing something noteworthy and admirable that I feel good about and of which my family and friends can share in a sense of accomplishment.
Definition - Workplace
Motivated and determined to complete projects and accomplish something noteworthy for the workplace and routinely setting goals and objectives that guide activity.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Application of the skills required to be more productive and efficient in order to succeed and accomplish goals, conveying a sense of urgency that drives issues to closure, develops effective short and long-term plans, and creates a desire to excel and assist in this process of understanding.
Definition - Personal
The ability to adjust to changing conditions and remain pliable during ongoing processes, even under stressful circumstances.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to adjust to changing conditions and remain pliable during ongoing processes, even under stressful circumstances. The ability to be open to different points of view regardless of the gender, cultural origin, or the perspective of the person presenting the opinion.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Adjusting strategies to engage situations and multiple simultaneous requests in order to provide service to a client or associate. Mature tolerance for ambiguity and rapid change.
Definition - Personal
The authority to assume command and exercise specific management functions and tasks (e.g., the ability to take control over one’s personal or family finances).
Definition - Workplace
The authority to assume command and exercise specific management functions and tasks so that the organization operates harmoniously with sound stewardship over its affairs. (e.g., maintaining financial control, guiding production planning, etc.).
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Excelling at creating and overseeing sound administrative practices that bring order to a complex management reality.
Definition - Personal
Participation in physical contact that expresses fondness or devotion to family and loved ones.
Definition - Workplace
Awareness of appropriate physical expression of affection in the workplace that respects differences of gender and culture while also expressing friendship, loyalty, and respect.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The comfort and security felt by being held, touched, and physically cared for by another. The ability to hold, touch, and physically care for those who are close to you in an appropriate and caring manner.
Definition - Personal
The production and experience of an object or happening that uses visual, aural and/or physical aesthetics to make meaning of life and communicate truths. The recognition of the arts as critical to human communication, understanding and life.
Definition - Workplace
The provision of opportunities for mental and emotional stimulation through creativity, mutual learning, and the experience of the arts. These are critical to symbolic, archetypal, and systems communication.
Definition - Personal
The freedom to experience and express a full range of feelings and thoughts in a straightforward and objective manner. This ability comes from the personal integration of thoughts and feelings, and it results in the experience of integrity and power.
Definition - Workplace
The honest expression of a full range of feelings and thoughts in a straightforward and objective manner as a manifestation of personal integrity in the workplace.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Straightforward, honest, and assertive expression of one’s authority and feelings in a manner that engenders cooperation rather than alienating others.
Definition - Personal
The experience of friendly feelings from peers.
Definition - Workplace
The experience of friendly feelings from peers.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to act in a way that pleases friends and coworkers and brings about appreciation and positive feelings.
Definition - Personal
The capacity to own one’s truth about one’s self and the world with objective awareness of personal strengths and limitations. The ability to act both independently and cooperatively when appropriate.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity to be true to one’s self in the work environment without compromising values critical to sound leadership. The ability to maintain objective awareness of personal strengths and limitations while acting both independently and cooperatively when appropriate.
Definition - Personal
The adherence to a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide one's life and actions. These principles may be a set of religious beliefs or an established philosophy based on an accepted authoritative body of content document, such as the Bible, the Koran, or other documents.
Definition - Workplace
The adherence to a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide one's professional life and actions. These are beliefs that one would consider essential to the success of the organization, and would be proud to see peers and/or employees adhere to these values.
Definition - Personal
Giving and receiving physical and emotional support in family and relationships.
Definition - Workplace
Supporting one’s peers emotionally and in practical ways.
Definition - Personal
The ability and disposition to cooperate with others to ensure full and appropriate delegation of responsibility.
Definition - Workplace
The ability of organizational leadership to cooperate with all levels of management to ensure full and appropriate delegation of responsibilities in the workplace. This is generally experienced within high-functioning teams of peers.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Cooperating with all levels of leadership within the workplace ensure full and appropriate delegation of responsibility enabling the organization to fulfill its goals and vision.
Definition - Personal
The ability to effectively and efficiently transmit ideas and factual data.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to effectively and efficiently transmit ideas and factual data between individuals, departments, and divisions of an organization. This includes efficient use of current communication technologies.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to learn and understand the use of written and verbal communication in order to be maximally responsive to coworkers, a skill which includes systematic information gathering, seeking input from others, and giving timely feedback.
Definition - Personal
The ability to foster depth and commitment in a group, its members, and its purpose so that both independent creativity and interdependent cooperation are maximized.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to foster depth and commitment in a group, its members and its purpose so that both independent creativity and interdependent cooperation are maximized. This value represents the highest level of team functioning in an organization at the global level of awareness and problem-solving.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Organizing a group of peers into a committed community of purpose and practice, so that both independent creativity and interdependent cooperation are maximized to promote organizational goals and global missions. Values that contribute to the skill of Community/Personalist include Community/Supportive, Complementarity, Support/Peer and Synergy.
Definition - Personal
The ability to recognize and create a group of peers to provide for the ongoing mutual support and creative enhancement of each individual, and the capacity to maintain awareness of the need for such a group to detach from external pressures that deter them from acting with clarity on their chosen values and purpose.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to recognize and create a group of peers to provide for the ongoing mutual support and creative enhancement of each individual. The capacity to maintain awareness of the need for such a group to detach from external pressures that deter them from acting with clarity on chosen values and ethical principles in the workplace. The ability to pay attention to the critical work/leisure balance as a foundation for sound team quality and creative output. Quality of time and relationships are of paramount importance.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Using outstanding skills in managing group dynamics, including the abilities to separate personal issues from group issues and managing group conflicts. Use of these skills for the purpose of developing the depth of the group so that it supports each of its members in increasing the efficiency of the organization.
Definition - Personal
Realistic and objective assurance that one has the skills and capabilities to build one’s life in the world and to feel that one can make a positive contribution.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to be confident in one’s capability and skills to achieve, grow, and develop in the world of work while believing that those skills and capabilities will be well received and make a positive contribution towards the achievement of larger goals.
Definition - Personal
The ability to be energized by a sense of rivalry – not only with others, but also with one’s self.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to be energized by a desire to be the best or most respected in a given arena (e.g., sports, education, or work). The ability to emphasize competition with one’s self in order to be as successful as possible in one’s chosen vocation.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Succeeding in life by competing and winning. Motivating personal development by competing with self.
Definition - Personal
The capacity to enable persons to work cooperatively with one another so that the unique skills and qualities of each individual supplement, support, and enhance the skills and qualities of others in the group.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity to enable persons in an organization to work cooperatively with one another so that the unique skills and qualities of one individual supplement, support, and enhance the skills and qualities of others in the group. Complementarity is an important aspect of high-level team functioning in a collaborative setting.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Making teams work by bringing the right balance of unique and skilled individuals together, who complement one another instead of compete with each other.
Definition - Personal
The capacity to experience and express one’s feelings and thoughts in such a way that the internal experience and its external communication are aligned and in agreement.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity to experience and express one’s feelings and thoughts in such a way that the internal experience and its external communication are aligned and in agreement.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Expressing one's self in a clear, transparent, and caring manner.
Definition - Personal
The ability to develop and initiate a new institution or transform one’s personal life, family, key relationships or their workplace in order to prosper, enhance the quality of life, and create a new or renewed way of life and work.
Definition - Workplace
Conceptualizing, initiating, promoting, and implementing new products, processes, goods, and services to meet the needs of those whom the organization serves. Similar to pioneerism/innovation, construction/new order in the workplace may be characterized by seeing things that do not yet exist.
Definition - Personal
The use of self-discipline and meditative prayer to prepare for intimacy with others and unity with the universal order.
Definition - Workplace
The use of self-discipline to reduce stress and bring greater quality and clarity to life.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Quieting one's mind through the daily practice of meditation and detachment.
Definition - Personal
The ability to exercise restraint and provide direction to achieve success according to prescribed rules.
Definition - Workplace
Exercising restraint and providing direction and professional discipline to achieve success according to prescribed rules.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value Consistently attentive to the routines that promote the development of capable professionalism.
Definition - Personal
The ability to creatively apply technology to better attend to basic necessities of life and improve social conditions throughout the world.
Definition - Workplace
Designing solutions to human problems and needs that use science and technology to provide simplified tools and resources easily used or implemented in real-world settings.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Planning, designing, and implementing technology that is easy to understand and use.
Definition - Personal
The skills and capability to lead and develop a new organization or transform an existing one. This combines knowledge of the law, financial and negotiating skills, and the ability to engender confidence in potential financial backers with the ability to steward human and financial assets for the benefit of society.
Definition - Workplace
Capacity to conceptualize new opportunities to protect, nurture, or expand an organization or place of work.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Overseeing financial gain leveraged by quality human development and joy in the workplace. Initiating and managing an institution, corporation, or organization that will accomplish shared goals and mission in life.
Definition - Personal
The ability to treat others politely and respectfully with friendliness and generosity. The ability to receive the same treatment from others.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to treat others politely and respectfully with friendliness and generosity. The ability to receive the same treatment from others.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Attentive to friends and employees and are considered by others to be hospitable; courteous and hospitable to those with whom one works and plays, and to expect the same in return.
Definition - Personal
The capacity for original thought and expression that brings new ideas and images into a practical and concrete reality in ways that did not previously exist.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity for original thought and expression that brings new ideas and images into a practical and concrete reality in innovative ways. Although this has been thought of as a personal value, it is an essential part of human capital in an organizational system. Its organizational expression is “pioneerism.”
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Consistently come up with new insights that advance projects and new initiatives forward.
Definition - Personal
The ability to take responsibility for a creative course of action or act on one’s conscience without external prompting.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to take responsibility for a creative course of action or act on one’s conscience within the organizational environment without external prompting. This value involves seeing proactive problem-solving as a part of one’s role rather than limiting responsibilities to a narrowly defined job description.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Keeping others informed and striving for consensus, when necessary, and willing to take final responsibility for critical decisions that require expertise.
Definition - Personal
The ability to be aware of the natural arrangement of things and the ability to create new arrangements through the ideas, technology, or artistic endeavors.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to be aware of the natural arrangement of things, and the ability to create new management arrangements and systemic solutions through the implementation of new ideas or technology.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Looking holistically at one's situation in life and at work, with an eye towards creating and implementing improvements for the betterment of others.
Definition - Personal
The regular discipline of non-attachment that leads to quality relationships with others and the universal order. These values are normally very high in a corporate religious setting.
Definition - Workplace
The exercise of detachment through a healthy work/leisure balance, attention to health habits, and a steady practice of meditation to improve quality of life, avoid stress, and be able to make clear decisions in a complex and conflicting environment.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Decisions and relationships are grounded by internal values, beliefs, and worldview, and the narrative one nurtures each day.
Definition - Personal
The harmonious interaction of mental and physical functions allowing for the performance of skills both personally and professionally.
Definition - Workplace
The efficient combination of mental and physical functions allowing for the performance of tasks and activities at work.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Commitment to physical training for self-affirmation and the promotion of good health.
Definition - Personal
The capacity or skill to enable a group or organization to make decisions relative to long-term planning through openness, reflection, and honest interaction.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity to enable a group or organization to make long-term decisions through open and honest interaction.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Incorporating one's inner reflections about a situation, and promoting decision-making in a group based on those insights.
Definition - Personal
The capacity to closely follow established customs and regulations out of dedication to peers and a sense of responsibility to institutional codes.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity to closely follow established customs and regulations out of loyalty to the organization, dedication to peers, and a sense of responsibility towards rules, regulatory procedures, and policies.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Anticipating and expecting mutual support from colleagues during difficult times.
Definition - Personal
Accumulating physical wealth that ensures security and respect.
Definition - Workplace
Guiding the organization to ensure it is profitable, thereby while establishing a firm foundation for the future.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Applying and incorporating financial and quantitative data into decision-making.
Definition - Personal
Exercising the ability to attain favorable and prosperous financial results through effective control and efficient management of resources.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to attain favorable financial results in business through effective control and efficient management of resources.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Managing financial resources with care and leveraging advantages to increase personal wealth and workplace profit.
Definition - Personal
The capacity, skills, and influence to enable people to take responsibility for the world and enhance its beauty and balance through creative engagement with technology systems.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity, skills, and influence to enable an organization to contribute to global ecological balance in ways that have worldwide influence.
*This value is now named Ecology/Global/Sustainability as seen on the Values Map (November 2019)
Definition - Personal
Encouraging others in both personal and professional contexts to complete formalized education and training necessary to continually improve their skills.
Definition - Workplace
Awareness of the benefits of formalized tracks of learning for enhancing skills in the workplace results in ensuring provision is made for employees in the workplace are afforded time and resources for ongoing professional development.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Completion of formal education or training and encouraging others to do the same.
Definition - Personal
The experience of ongoing learning to gain new facts, truths, and principles. One is motivated by the reward of new understanding that is gained intuitively.
Definition - Workplace
Prioritizing the organizational culture’s learning in a way that assesses, adapts, and improves the workplace function and culture. Developing programs, practices, and environments that foster ongoing learning to absorb new facts, truths, and insights with a consequential improvement of delivery on mission.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Practicing life-long learning and teaching that promotes knowledge of human differences and dignity as well as a dedication to helping others learn through teaching.
Definition - Personal
The ability to think about and design acts and purposes in the most efficient and least wasteful manner possible before implementing them.
Definition - Workplace
Engineering the organizational environment and corporate practices with sound stewardship and forethought. The ability to think about and design acts and purposes in the most efficient and least wasteful manner possible before implementing them to improve quality, customer service, and profitability.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Planning and managing projects to complete goals and objectives in a timely manner.
Definition - Personal
Reflecting and experiencing another's feelings and state of being through a quality of presence that has the consequence of them seeing themselves with more clarity, even without any words being spoken.
Definition - Workplace
Reflecting and experiencing another's feelings and state of being through a quality of presence that has the consequence of them seeing themselves with more clarity, without any words necessarily having been spoken. Empathy is the ultimate act of sensitivity towards another human being, and it is a mark of excellent leadership. It is the knowledge of another that enables leadership to be most helpful, sensitive and responsive to the real needs of others, including customers.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Viewing the world through another’s eyes and recognizing differences. This promotes the other person to reflect more deeply upon who they are while feeling accepted. Empathy includes the skill to identify another person’s feelings with warmth and acceptance.
Definition - Personal
Withstanding difficult and painful experiences, situations, or persons with calm, stability, and perseverance.
Definition - Workplace
Withstanding difficult and painful experiences, sudden and frustrating changes in the organizational environment, and difficult situations or persons, with calm, stability, and perseverance.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Patiently investing the time it takes to complete a task with a quality outcome.
Definition - Personal
The experience of one’s self as having the same worth and rights as all other human beings, setting one’s self and others free to be themselves. This is the critical consciousness of the value of being human.
Definition - Workplace
The right of all employees, regardless of physical, cultural, or other differences, to have the same value and rights as everyone else. This is the critical consciousness of the value of being human. It is supported by the policies and practices of the organization and integrated into its education and orientation programs.
Definition - Personal
A peaceful social environment that is free from emotional upset and unnecessary conflict.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to manage people and maintain a conflict-free environment by averting emotional upsets and personally supporting all parties.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Managing and resolving conflicts in order to create a win-win reality in personal and professional relationships.
Definition - Personal
The awareness and defense of the moral and ethical claim of all persons (including one’s self) to legal, social, and economic equality.
Definition - Workplace
The maintenance of a management system that supports legal, social, and economic equality.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Supporting individuals and group policies that promote personal rights and human equality.
Definition - Personal
The ability to share one’s feelings and fantasies openly and spontaneously so that others are free to do the same.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to encourage a management environment where team members and peers share their feelings, creative ideas, and aspirations openly and spontaneously.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Expressing one’s self openly to engender cooperation and stimulate the thoughts and imaginations of others. The skill to create enthusiasm, bring conflicts into the open, and attempt to resolve disagreements collaboratively which ultimately encourages open expression of ideas and opinions.
Definition - Personal
The unwavering behavioral commitment to life-giving values, personal beliefs, and philosophy of life, even at risk to one’s way of life, physical harm, or loss of freedoms.
Definition - Workplace
Living with the conviction that the vision of the workplace is already in place. The capacity to commit to values that underpin that vision, even if actions might put one's job or way of life at risk.
Definition - Personal
The people to whom one feels primary bonds of relationship and acceptance.
Definition - Workplace
Creating and nurturing a workplace culture that is characterized by unity and purpose, so that colleagues develop a sense of family and belonging which transcends the daily activities of work.
Definition - Personal
The experience of personal worth through unrestrained imagination and personal amusement.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of the experience of personal worth through unrestrained imagination and visioning on behalf of the company, its products, its customers, and its stakeholders.
Definition - Personal
Expressing personal concern about having adequate physical nourishment, warmth, and comfort and a place of refuge from the elements.
Definition - Workplace
Providing sufficient resources for all employees so they have adequate physical nourishment and a comfortable place to live for themselves and their families.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Obtaining and securing the resources necessary to feed, protect, and clothe one's self, and the capacity to find an adequate place to live in order to survive. This skill includes knowing what to eat to minimize expenses and maximize health.
Definition - Personal
A group of people with whom to share emotions and experiences on a day-to-day basis.
Definition - Workplace
Fostering a management environment in which employees and clients have a group of caring peers with whom they can share emotions and experiences on a day-to-day basis.
Definition - Personal
Care for the body in order to function adequately and maintain health.
Definition - Workplace
Ensuring that all employees and clients, regardless of their physical limitations, have the ability to care for their bodies in order to function adequately.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Develop, maintain, and train the body to optimize physical survival.
Definition - Personal
Awareness of others’ needs and limitations, which leads to sharing one’s unique gifts and skills without expecting reciprocation.
Definition - Workplace
Promoting the development and responsiveness management structures and group experiences in which people are aware of the needs and limitations of others and are able to share their gifts and talents without expecting reciprocation.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Searching for and discovering where skills can be best exercised in the service of others. The ability to show interest in others and their concerns as a way of developing personal potential.
Definition - Personal
The practical relationship between human needs, freedom, and creative ecological balance so that one can influence changes that promote equality, creativity, and the interdependence of peoples, communities, and nations.
Definition - Workplace
The relationship between human needs, freedom, and the needs of the natural world so that one can promote interdependence, equity, and creativity throughout the world.
Definition - Personal
The commitment to the idea that all people are equally valuable to society but make different gifts and contributions to it. The capacity to elicit inter-institutional and inter-governmental collaboration that provides basic life necessities for the disadvantaged.
Definition - Workplace
An understanding of the relationship between human needs, freedom, and the needs of the natural world that promotes interdependence, equity, and creativity throughout the world.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Using ones authority to support and aid the disadvantaged in international conflicts, and celebrating the results of international negotiations in human rights advances.
Definition - Personal
Supporting, enabling, and equipping people to develop and grow creatively. This assumes skills in leadership, management, organizational design, and product/market development at a group level.
Definition - Workplace
Mature skills related to growing and developing an organization creatively. This is supported by skills in leadership, management, organizational design, and product/market development at a whole systems level.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Conducting strategic planning processes that include supervision of internal and external scanning. The simplification and meaning-making of complex information in order to assess the organization’s direction and development needs.
Definition - Personal
The mind and body soundness that flows from meeting emotional and physical needs through self-awareness and preventive discipline. This includes an understanding that maintaining an internal balance promotes positive feelings.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement and support of mental and physical health that is based on the understanding that they flow from meeting emotional and physical needs. The understanding that good health maximizes personal potential as well as leadership potential.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Participating in diet, exercise, and health practices necessary to maintain mental and emotional health, and encourage others to participate in heath promotion activities.
Definition - Personal
Methodical and systematic arranging of human resources, processes, and resources so that standards are met and results may be accomplished.
Definition - Workplace
Recognizing that the relationship between management and authority must be ordered, disciplined, and constantly evaluated to maximize efficiency and productivity.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Using functional structures and processes within systems for the advancement and betterment of home and family life, one's career, and in to accomplish purposes in the workplace.
Definition - Personal
Respect and support for the worth, merit, and rank of authority figures such as parents, superiors, and national leaders.
Definition - Workplace
Maintaining respect and support for the worth, merit and rank of authority figures that may be found in families, institutions, legally mandated services and government officials.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Creating an atmosphere of camaraderie where honor and loyalty are valued.
Definition - Personal
The consciousness and active support of the basic right of every human being for respect, and to have their basic needs met, so that each person has the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of systems and organizational practices that actively support awareness of the right of every human being to be respected and have their basic needs met. This includes implementation of management structures and organizational practices that empower employees, clients, students, and partners with the opportunity to develop their potential.
Definition - Personal
Committing one’s talents, education, training, and resources to create the means for every person in the world to have access to food, habitat, employment, health, and education.
Definition - Workplace
Commitment of organizational talent and resources to creating a world in which every person has access to food, shelter, employment, health, and education.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Working for the rights of all human beings to have access to food, shelter, employment, health education, and the freedom to be themselves. Committing technology, talent, education, training, and resources to creating the means for all people to have access to food, shelter, employment, health, and education through inter-institutional management at a global level.
Definition - Personal
Thinking and acting for one’s self without being subject to external constraint or authority.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of individual thinking and action that occurs without seeking approval or waiting for direction from a supervisor.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Confidently initiating solo actions in order to develop emotionally and spiritually. This includes the ability to stand firm when necessary, remaining true to one's values, ideals, and perspective, and take an unpopular stand when necessary.
Definition - Personal
The inner capacity to organize the personality (body, mind, and soul) into a coordinated and harmonious expression of one's self.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of teams and the system as a whole to organize into a harmonious totality by ensuring that declared practices, beliefs, and values are aligned with intent and behaviors throughout the organization.
Definition - Personal
Recognizing and acting on the awareness that cooperative decision-making is preferable to individual decision-making.
Definition - Workplace
Enabling and managing a group of globally-minded peers to act on the awareness that personal and inter-institutional cooperation is always preferable to individual decision-making.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Preferring interdependent decision-making over personal and unilateral decision-making, even when under pressure. This skill is applied to instances where global partners participate in decision-making.
Definition - Personal
Regular, mutual and free sharing of one’s whole self (thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and realities) with another person.
Definition - Workplace
Engaging in appropriate mutual self-disclosure at work which promotes a culture of transparency, acceptance, and shared vulnerability resulting in a deepening of relationships in the workplace. Values essential to the skill of Intimacy in the workplace are Care/Nurture, Courtesy/Hospitality, Friendship/Belonging, Empathy, Sharing/Listening/Trust, Limitation/Acceptance, and Limitation/Celebration.
Definition - Personal
The experience of personal harmony that results from a combination of meditative practice, mutual openness, and total acceptance of another person and leads to a new awareness of truth and meaning. For some, this is a spiritual experience that involves a deepening sense of unity with and affection for the source of their faith.
Definition - Workplace
The experience of personal harmony that results from attention to work and leisure in ways that minimize stress and open the mind. It involves a combination of meditative practice, mutual openness, and total acceptance of another person, which leads to a new awareness of truth and meaning.
Definition - Personal
Taking a course of action that addresses, confronts and helps correct conditions of human oppression in order to actualize the truth that every human being is of equal value.
Definition - Workplace
Designing, implementing, or supporting policies or courses of action that address, confront, and help correct conditions of human oppression in order to actualize the equality of all human beings. For example, refusing to do business with individuals or entities whose actions are detrimental to a particular community.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Sensitive and proactive engagement of others to address, confront and heal conditions of human oppression, so that all people are treated with dignity and respect. Values essential to manifesting this skill include goals values like Equality/Liberation, Human Dignity, Faith/Risk/Vision and Word, coupled with means values including Empathy, Sharing/Listening/Trust, Equity/Rights, Unity/Diversity, Global Justice and Human Rights.
Definition - Personal
The pursuit of truth through patterned investigation. One is motivated by increased intuition and unconsciously gained understanding of the wholeness of reality.
Definition - Workplace
The pursuit of truth, understanding, and meaning in the organizational environment in order to better solve problems, increase stakeholder value, and respond sensitively to customer needs in a rapidly changing global environment. It includes the ability to create a learning organization by putting structures and procedures in place that empower and reward people for learning and improving their skills.
Definition - Personal
Acquiring and maintaining competence and understanding of the rules and regulations that provide the foundation of one's life and your growth potential. This includes an awareness of situations where the strict adherence to rules is detrimental and the knowledge of the difference between what is lawful and what is ethical.
Definition - Workplace
The recognition of authoritative principles and regulations as a means of creating a moral conscience. The willingness to question those rules until they are clear and meaningful.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Obtaining and applying sufficient knowledge of the regulations that govern personal and workplace activities, and using that knowledge as a foundation to guide activities and actions.
Definition - Personal
The governing of one’s conduct, actions, and procedures by the established legal system or code. The ability to live one’s life by the rules.
Definition - Workplace
The governing organizational conduct, actions, and procedures by the established legal system or code.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Confident in one's knowledge, interpretation, and application of formal, codified lists of conduct requirements that influence one's personal life, primary relationships, and the workplace.
Definition - Personal
Using time in a way that requires as much skill and concentration as one’s work but that totally detaches from it, allowing the spontaneous self to emerge in a playful and contagious manner.
Definition - Workplace
Engaging in an activity or activities that compliment the workplace and bring enjoyment - these activities require as much skill and competence as one's profession.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Managing time in a way that allows for concentration on leisure activities such as studying, playing sports, or gardening. These require the same concentration of skills as your profession, but they detach you from daily stress and allow the spontaneous self to emerge in a playful and contagious manner. This skill lies outside of the work environment, yet it is essential to overall personal development in the workplace. Values essential to the skill of Leisure are Relaxation, Health/Healing, Detachment/Solitude, Limitation/Acceptance, and Limitation/Celebration.
Definition - Personal
Accepting the realization that everyone has boundaries and limitations. This includes the capacity for appropriate self-criticism along with an objective self-awareness of one’s strengths and potentials as well as one’s weaknesses and limitations.
Definition - Workplace
Understanding how everyone has boundaries and limitations. This includes an objective awareness of an individual’s strengths and potential as well as his or her weaknesses and inabilities. Acceptance of another person without limitations is the beginning of any trust relationship. As such, this is a value essential to employee and team relationships and to customer or client sensitivity.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Evaluating one's decisions – especially the ones with unintended negative consequences – to gain insight into personal limitations and future potential.
Definition - Personal
The recognition that personal shortcomings or lack of a particular skill or talent something to be accepted and engaged as a source of joy and thanksgiving; it is within these limitations that there is a framework for exercising the talents that do exist.
Definition - Workplace
Recognizing that limitations go hand in hand with human potential, and that engaging these limitations with a light-heart will promote risk taking and the gaining of insight from mistakes for one's self and others in the future.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Finding humor and opportunity for life-giving levity when a shortcoming or mistake is made in personal and workplace situations, always with the intention of learning and making application from the current situation.
Definition - Personal
Reliable and trustworthy commitment to keep promises and made to family, loved ones, friends, colleagues in the workplace.
Definition - Workplace
Reliable and conscientious commitment to the colleagues in the workplace and to those who are served by the mission of the organization.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Standing up for family, friends, employees, and other colleagues who are disrespected or overlooked.
Definition - Personal
The ability to manage and direct financial resources at institutional and global inter-institutional levels towards the creation of a more stable and equitable world economic order.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to manage and direct financial resources at institutional and global inter-institutional levels towards the creation of a more stable and equitable economic structure. This includes balancing stewardship with risk, as well as balancing stakeholder value and social responsibility.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Manage, plan, organize, and direct the use of financial resources at institutional and inter-institutional levels towards creating a more ecologically stable and equitable world economic order.
Definition - Personal
Administration and coordination of resources in keeping with one’s philosophy and beliefs, and monitoring processes that provide direction to one’s family or workplace for the purpose of achieving its goals.
Definition - Workplace
Administration and coordination of resources in accordance with organizational philosophy and beliefs. It includes the process of giving direction to the organization for the purpose of achieving its goals.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Improving competence in management skills that can foster efficiency and productivity.
Definition - Personal
Pride that comes from finding a place of belonging and participating as an integral part of an institution (like marriage, or religious group), an organization, foundation, or establishment.
Definition - Workplace
Promoting a shared sense of the value of the mission of the workplace, the worth of fellow colleagues, and a deep sense of the intrinsic worth of contributing to the betterment of the workplace in which one serves.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to think, plan, and execute procedures that make your place of work successful and productive. This involves building effective teams committed to the organization goals, creating feelings of investment, and balancing the interests and needs of one’s own group with those of the broader organization.
Definition - Personal
Miniaturizing and simplifying complex ideas or technological instruments in a way that creatively alters the consciousness of the listener or user.
Definition - Workplace
Simplifying and clearly representing complex ideas in concrete and practical ways that get to the concept’s essence while also shifting the consciousness of the people listening to or using the information given. Furthermore, it has the workplace value of taking a complex institutional program or initiative and simplifying its design so as to increase the productivity and reach of the organization.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to miniaturize and simplify complex ideas into concrete and practical objectifications such as practical theory, art, or technology in a way that creatively alters the consciousness of the user and impacts the natural environment and the quality of human life positively at a global level.
Definition - Personal
Establish and execute goals and plans that consider the needs of society and the organization’s contributions to those needs.
Definition - Workplace
Influencing the workplace in such a way that system-wide plans are introduced and implemented which have a positive impact on those whom the workplace serves.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Create and advocate for system-wide strategic plans with well-defined goals and critical path objectives.
Definition - Personal
The ability to balance your tasks and assignments with others’ so that all are answerable for their own areas of responsibility. This requires the ability to mobilize one's creativity in problem solving, and arriving at solutions that engage human differences.
Definition - Workplace
Balancing workplace tasks and responsibilities so that all are answerable for their own areas of responsibility in working towards a shared purpose.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to balance your tasks and assignments with others’ so that all are answerable for their own areas of responsibility. Values essential to the skill of Mutual Accountability in the workplace are Responsibility, Administration/Control, Loyalty/Fidelity, Sharing/Listening/Trust, Mission/Objectives, and Collaboration.
Definition - Personal
The mutual and equal responsibility for establishing and upholding a common set of norms, agreements, customs, and guidelines in a group setting.
Definition - Workplace
The mutual and equal responsibility for establishing and upholding a common set of norms, agreements, customs and guidelines for a team or group.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Loyalty to the group, its norms and agreements, purpose and processes.
Definition - Personal
The dutiful and submissive complicity with rules, moral precepts, and legal obligations established by authorities such as parents and civic or religious institutions.
Definition - Workplace
The dutiful and submissive complicity with rules, moral precepts, and legal obligations established by the organization or its regulatory agencies.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to anticipate and follow the directives of esteemed authority figures at work.
Definition - Personal
The possession of skills, decisions, and property that provide a sense of personal authority.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to take ultimate responsibility for problems, tasks, projects, and decisions that establish personal authority.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Taking responsibility for problems that need to be solved and property that needs to be addressed.
Definition - Personal
The honor felt for one’s country, which is expressed through personal devotion, love, and support.
Definition - Workplace
Creating opportunities to celebrate one's country in civic, local, and national holidays as a part of increasing workplace engagement.
Emerging from this Means Value
Celebrating historic, national, and local festivals and traditions with enthusiasm.
Definition - Personal
Experiencing joy through all the senses of one’s body.
Definition - Workplace
Promoting opportunities for workplace colleagues to participate in activities that promote self-awareness and the physical senses that are shared outside the daily routines of work.
Definition - Personal
Introducing creative ideas for positive changes to one's personal life and relationships and possessing the skills to bring them to reality.
Definition - Workplace
Promoting the vision of the organization by introducing creative ideas for positive change into organizations and by providing a framework for bringing them into reality.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Serving as a catalyst for change through identifying new processes, opportunities, and solutions that expand the influence of one's self and the world in which they serve. Values essential to the skill of Pioneerism/Innovation in the workplace are Corporation/Stewardship, Mission/Objectives, Research, Collaboration, and Interdependence.
Definition - Personal
The possession of a pastime that allows for undirected, spontaneous refreshment, and the experience of a potential self, providing a diversion from the anxiety of work and the pressures of day-to-day living.
Definition - Workplace
Promoting this value in the workplace in two ways - by infusing opportunities for friendly camaraderie in the work week, and through playfulness in seeking solutions to problems and ways of maximizing opportunities.
Definition - Personal
Being present with another person that comes from inner self-knowledge, which is so influential that another person is able to ponder the depths of who they are and thereby gain self-awareness and clarity.
Definition - Workplace
Influencing the workplace culture and fellow colleagues in a way that is so compelling that teams, groups, or clients understand themselves with more clarity, thereby promoting discretionary effort and deep conversation that leads to higher levels of creativity, respect, and problem-solving.
Definition - Personal
The physical appearance of a person, which reflects success and achievement and gains the esteem of others.
Definition - Workplace
The promotion of an organizational style and appearance, which reflects success and achievement and gains the esteem of others.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Projecting an image of success through clothing and attire, speech, poise and demeanor.
Definition - Personal
The generation and completion of tasks and activities and the ability to achieve externally established goals and expectations.
Definition - Workplace
The generation and completion of tasks, activities, and projects that achieve established goals and expectations.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Setting goals and objectives and encouraging the team to complete tasks in a timely fashion.
Definition - Personal
The accumulation and protection of property and financial assets for physical and emotional security.
Definition - Workplace
The accumulation and protection of property financial assets for stakeholder security and the organization’s future growth.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The care, maintenance, and protection one's home, real estate and other property.
Definition - Personal
The ability to communicate truths about global issues in such a way that hearers are able to transcend their limited personal awareness to gain new perspectives on the needs of the human family.
Definition - Workplace
Communicating truths about global issues in such a way that hearers are able to transcend their limited personal awareness to gain new perspectives on the needs of the organization and the wider community.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Communicating truths about global justice issues and human rights through speech, technology, or media outlets in such a way that the hearers are able to transcend their limited personal awareness and gain new perspectives on themselves and the needs of people and nations throughout the world.
Definition - Personal
The appreciation of objective self-appraisal and openness to feedback as essential for self-awareness, personal growth, and the ability to better serve others.
Definition - Workplace
Regular and systematic personal and team evaluation of progress, examining the timing, efficiency, and overall quality of outputs in the workplace.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to be open to personal evaluation with respect to spiritual, emotional, and physical potential, and the ability to evaluate others through an affirmative, educational, and non-threatening process. This involves the ability to learn from experience by seeking feedback, welcoming unsolicited feedback, and modifying behavior in light of received feedback.
Definition - Personal
The trained capacity to think logically and reasonably based on a formal body of information. The capacity to exercise reason over emotional reactions.
Definition - Workplace
Facilitation a group of individuals to think logically and reasonably, even under stress, about a formal body of information. It includes the capacity to exercise reason in place of emotional reactivity while still taking the emotions seriously.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Examination of the logical consequences of decisions and actions in a dispassionate way.
Definition - Personal
The diversion from physical or mental work, which reduces stress and fosters a balance of work and play, assisting in the realization of one’s potential.
Definition - Workplace
The diversion from physical or mental work, which reduces stress and fosters a balance of work and play, assisting in the realization of one’s potential.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Engaging in relaxation and meditation exercises to establish a work/play balance that maximizes one's potential. This involves developing a calm approach to life that allows one to direct your attention towards problems that need to be solved.
Definition - Personal
Systematic investigation and contemplation of the nature of truths and principles about people and human experience for the purpose of creating new insights and awareness.
Definition - Workplace
Systematic investigation and contemplation of the nature of truths and principles in one’s area of expertise for the purpose of creating new insights, products, and services.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Being thorough and consistent in investigating a range of resources before making major decisions as well as getting differing opinions and points of view on a course of action, a problem, or project plan.
Definition - Personal
The personal accountability for one’s life and family.
Definition - Workplace
Personal accountability for a specific area or course of action in one’s organization.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Taking ownership for issues or problems and bringing them to resolution.
Definition - Personal
The moral principle of valuing the worth and property of another in the same manner that one expects others to value one’s own.
Definition - Workplace
The promotion and support of policies, procedures, and practices that value the worth and property of others. The recognition that everyone deserves equal courtesy and affirmation regardless of their differences.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Awareness of how people are different and affirm them for the qualities of their uniqueness.
Definition - Personal
The ability to create and use ritual, archetypal symbols, ceremony and the arts as communication media for raising critical consciousness of complex and difficult issues such as social conditions and awareness of the transcendent.
Definition - Workplace
The ability to use ritual, archetypal symbols, and the arts as communication media for raising levels of understanding of complex and critical information. These are often essential components of faith-based, educational institutions, and many charitable organizations.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to create and use ritual, archetypal symbols, ceremony and the arts as communication media to promote, participate in, and enable societal transformation.
Definition - Personal
The requirement that individuals openly explain their behaviors in relationship to the established codes of conduct.
Definition - Workplace
The mandate of organizations to have employees justify their behaviors in relationship to established codes of conduct.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Aware of rules and regulations and regularly hold one's self and others engaged in the activities to comply with them.
Definition - Personal
The concern for avoiding personal injury, danger, and loss as well as the ability to protect one’s self in adverse circumstances.
Definition - Workplace
The organizational mandate to establish systems and procedures that guard the safety of all personnel by protecting against personal injury, danger, and loss.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Ensuring physical survival through safe practices and procedures.
Definition - Personal
The personal exploration arising from an inner longing to discover one’s unique place in the world by integrating one’s feelings, imagination, and objective knowledge.
Definition - Workplace
Recognition that meaningful work makes for self-initiating individuals, and the organization supporting employees in exploring the relationships among their capabilities, wills, desires, and fantasies of the future in an effort to discover their unique places in the world. This includes providing resources for ongoing learning and professional development.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Integrating values, psychology, philosophy, and worldview to select personal and career paths that promote a sense of belonging and intentionality in the world.
Definition - Personal
Ensuring that one's basic needs are met so that the individual in all of life's contexts (family, friendships, the workplace), may progress towards a fuller and more meaningful life with assurance.
Definition - Workplace
The establishment of consistency and safety in the workplace through the provision of basic salaries, benefits, and associated services that allow employees’ foundational needs to be met.
Definition - Personal
The inner drive towards the experience and expression of the totality of one’s being through spiritual, psychological, physical, and mental exercises, which enhance the development of one’s potential.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of personal and professional development by providing resources for individuals and teams to learn emotional, psychological, physical, and mental exercises, which enhance the development of a person’s potential.
Definition - Personal
The will to boldly put one’s self or one’s ideas into the world.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of straightforward and honest communication, which allows individuals to boldly put themselves and their ideas into the world.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Modeling a straightforward communication style that is transparent and honest, with the expectation that others will offer the same commitment.
Definition - Personal
The restraint of one’s feelings and the control of one’s personal interests that allow for physical survival.
Definition - Workplace
Ensuring that the necessary resources, provisions, and safeguards are in place in one's life to mitigate risk and loss, and increase a sense of well-being.
Definition - Personal
Taking action to protect one’s self from physical harm in the world. Awareness of the threats to one's self, with particular attention to limiting beliefs, obsolete coping habits, and negative inner voices.
Definition - Workplace
The necessity of taking steps to protect threats in or to the workplace.
Definition - Personal
A deep sense of the intrinsic value of one's self which influences every sphere of life - personal, relational, and professional.
Definition - Workplace
Establishing a basic management environment where people are valued for who they are and not just for what they do, allowing others to affirm their worth.
Definition - Personal
Pleasing another person with intimate, physical tenderness, thereby achieving a deepened relationship wherein both feel safe and secure.
Definition - Workplace
Demonstrating context-appropriate affection for colleagues and those whom the workplace serves so others experience safety and security.
Definition - Personal
The motivation to use one’s unique gifts and skills to contribute to society through one’s occupation, business, profession, or calling.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of meaningful work by motivating others to use their unique capabilities to contribute to the organization.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Advocating for the intrinsic importance of the work.
Definition - Personal
The capacity to actively and accurately hear another’s thoughts and feelings and to express one’s own thoughts and feelings in a climate of mutual confidence.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of individuals and teams to actively and accurately express and listen to each other’s thoughts and feelings in a climate of mutual confidence.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Sharing feelings and intellectual information, listening attentively to others, and trusting other’s opinions in order to grow and develop potential. This includes relating to people in an open, friendly, and accepting manner, understanding the agendas and perceptions of others, and sharing one’s own feelings. It requires the creation of an atmosphere in which timely and high-quality information flows smoothly between people in a climate of mutual confidence.
Definition - Personal
The capacity for deep appreciation of the world combined with an energizing and positive attitude toward organizations and systems. The ability to see simplicity in complexity and to be detached from the world as primarily material in nature. It can include the mutual sharing of property within a group.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of planning and envisioning processes at the team level. The capacity for deep appreciation of the world combined with an energizing and positive attitude toward organizations and systems. The ability to see simplicity in complexity and to be detached from the world as primarily material in nature. It can include the mutual sharing of property within a group.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Converting complex global business negotiations and issues into simple metaphors and find practical processes and alternative strategies for progress on significant experience.
Definition - Personal
The personal respect and validation of peers that is necessary for growth and success.
Definition - Workplace
The establishment of practices and procedures that recognize that growth and success come from the personal respect and validation of peers.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Rewarding and affirming employees with special events to celebrate their special contributions to the workplace and its culture.
Definition - Personal
The creation of a network of peers who provide sustenance in both joyful and difficult times.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of team processes that recognize that in groups, peers need to sustain one another in both joyful and difficult times.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Applying time and effort to developing mutually supportive relationships.
Definition - Personal
The experience of harmonious and energized group relationships, which foster outcomes that far surpass the collective abilities of their individual members.
Definition - Workplace
The experience of harmonious and energized group relationships, which foster outcomes that far surpass the collective abilities of their individual members.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Enabling a group to maximize its promotion of the organization’s global mission through use of group development, community building, and strategic planning techniques.
Definition - Personal
The systematic knowledge of the physical or natural world and the practical applications of that knowledge enabled by devices and tools.
Definition - Workplace
The incorporation of research, science, technology, and their practical applications into the organizational structure.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Identifying the most important technological advances that have affected your field and can understand how these advances impact your work and projects.
Definition - Personal
The provision for the safety and protection of all assets and physical properties.
Definition - Workplace
Provision for the safety and protection of the intellectual property, assets, and physical possessions of the workplace.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to learn about and implement tools to secure one’s home, business, or country.
Definition - Personal
Recognizing the importance of creating meaning through structured and repeatable celebration of family, religious, and national histories.
Definition - Workplace
The workplace as a powerful context in which to share the unique meaning and significance of the organization’s mission.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Celebrating and participating in the history, rituals, and traditions of the workplace.
Definition - Personal
The exercise of spiritual discipline and non-attachment so that one experiences a global and visionary perspective as a result of a personal relationship to the universal order.
Definition - Workplace
Investing in the future of the workplace through contemplation and reflection that results in a new solution, product, or service.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Empowered by your inner voice and consistently detaching from conflicts and pressures so as to bring wisdom to any situation.
Definition - Personal
The relentless pursuit and discovery of ultimate truth above all other activities. This results in intimate knowledge of objective and subjective realities, which converge into a capacity to clearly comprehend persons, systems and their interrelationships.
Definition - Workplace
The relentless pursuit of ultimate truth resulting in intimate knowledge of both objective and subjective organizational realities and trends particular to one’s profession or calling. These converge into a capacity to act upon the relationships between people and their systems. The result is gaining deeper insights into and solutions to complex ethical problems.
Definition - Personal
Giving equal opportunity to persons of all cultures, ethnic backgrounds, and education. The concept is that differences are an advantage in life, the marketplace, and the world of work.
Definition - Workplace
The recognition and administrative implementation of the belief that an organization is creatively enhanced by offering equal opportunities to people regardless of their gender, culture, ethnic background or other differences, which provide advantages in a collaborative/adaptive learning environment.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Embracing physical, ethnic, political, and worldview distinctions to leverage the advantages of a diverse contribution to life and the workplace.
Definition - Personal
The encouragement of harmony and agreement in an institution that achieves efficiency, order, loyalty, and conformity to established norms.
Definition - Workplace
Directing group loyalty towards established norms.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
Enabling everyone in a group to adopt and exhibit shared expectations.
Definition - Personal
The ability to be filled with amazement and fear when faced with the overwhelming grandeur and power of the physical environment.
Definition - Workplace
The capacity to cope with threats to you and the company by reflecting on possibilities before overreacting to the circumstances.
Definition - Personal
The amazement inspired by the physical world that is coupled with a desire to explore and learn about it.
Definition - Workplace
Encouraging a sense of marvel and curiosity about the world of work coupled with a desire to learn about it and explore it personally.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to study, appreciate, enjoy, and understand nature in order to reduce anxiety, insecurity, and discomfort. This value is expressed in the culture and activities of a workplace committed to learning.
Definition - Personal
Communicating universal truths so effectively that the hearer becomes conscious of their limitations, such that life and hope are renewed.
Definition - Workplace
Communicating objective and personal truths so effectively that the hearer becomes conscious of their limitations and experiences personal empowerment.
Definition - Personal
Possessing the required skills and associated human rights that enable the production of the wealth necessary to support one’s self and family.
Definition - Workplace
Providing employment that produces sufficient earnings and benefits to sustain employees and their families and enjoy the comforts of life.
Definition - Personal
The manual skills that produce artifacts and modify the human-made environment.
Definition - Workplace
The encouragement of manual capabilities, which produce artifacts, tangible objects, and useful technologies that enhance the life and well-being of those whom the workplace serves.
Skills Emerging from this Means Value
The ability to employ arts, crafts, and/or mechanical skills at work to complete projects that serve and please others.